Thursday, January 10, 2008

Biometric Security

There is a lot of vendor advertising material floating around boasting the benefits of biometric security systems. A number of construction companies I know are considering access control systems for their construction sites. Some have been advised this is the way to go if you want high security outcomes. The main benefit extolled is that you can rely on biometrics to "man" an unmanned gate - ie by installing a turnstile.

I would advise caution before going down the path of a biometric security system rollout. The important thing to focus on is the business outcome that you are trying to achieve. If you are building a military installation where access control is a premium requirement, by all means, biometrics could be the answer to a difficult security question. However, if all you want to achieve is head count with an added degree of access control, then simple bar code technology could suffice. The difference here in cost could be in the order of 10k to 160k - so consider carefully what you want to achieve before moving forward.

On the issue of securing a gate with a turnstile and biometrics combination I would advise watching the linked Mythbusters video below. This video is not meant to detract from the value of biometrics, rather, it should serve as a clear warning to choose equipment from a reputable supplier with a proven track record.

I have linked anther video which describes the different types of biometric technolgy that is on the market. I will blog specifically on each over the following weeks.


Mythbusters crack fingerprint reader...with wet paper photocopy!!! outlines biometric technology,39024655,39169487,00.htm

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